Reaktoro  v2.11.0
A unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CActivityModelArgsThe arguments in an function for calculation of activity properties of a phase
 CActivityModelDaviesParamsThe parameters in the Davies activity model for aqueous electrolyte solutions
 CActivityModelDebyeHuckelParamsThe parameters in the Debye–Hückel activity model for aqueous electrolyte solutions
 CActivityModelDrummondParamsThe parameters in the Drummond (1981) activity model
 CActivityModelParamsExtendedUNIQUACThe parameters in the Extended UNIQUAC activity model for aqueous electrolyte solutions
 CActivityModelParamsPitzerThe parameters in the Pitzer activity model for aqueous electrolyte solutions
 CActivityPropsBase< TypeOp >The base type for the primary activity and corrective thermodynamic properties of a phase
 CAlphaThe value and temperature derivatives of the \(\alpha(T_r;\omega)\) function in a cubic equation of state
 CAlphaModelArgsThe arguments for the evaluation of a \(\alpha(T_r;\omega)\) function in a cubic equation of state
 CAqueousMixtureA type used to describe an aqueous mixture
 CAqueousMixtureStateA type used to describe the state of an aqueous mixture
 CAqueousPropsThe chemical properties of an aqueous phase
 CArraySerializationThe class implementing methods to serialize/deserialize data into/from arrays
 CArrayStream< T >The class used to serialize/deserialize data using array
 CasFunction< T >
 CasFunction< Ret(*)(Args...)>
 CasFunction< Ret(Args...)>
 CasFunction< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const >
 CElement::AttribsThe attributes of an Element object
 CSpecies::AttribsThe attributes of a Species object
 CBilinearInterpolatorA class used to calculate bilinear interpolation of data in two dimensions
 CBipThe binary interaction parameters for the cubic equation of state
 CBipModelArgsThe arguments for the evaluation of binary interaction parameters in a cubic equation of state
 CBipModelParamsPhreeqcThe parameters in the binary interaction parameter model of PHREEQC for Peng-Robinson EOS
 CBipModelParamsSoreideWhitsonThe parameters in the binary interaction parameter model of Søreide and Whitson (1992) for Peng-Robinson EOS
 CReactionRateModelParamsPalandriKharaka::CatalystThe parameters for a catalyser property in a mineral reaction rate mechanism of
 CSmartEquilibriumSolver::CellThe collection of clusters containing learned input-output data associated to a temperature-pressure grid cell
 CChemicalFormulaA type used to represent the chemical formula of a chemical species
 CChemicalPropsThe class that computes chemical properties of a chemical system
 CChemicalPropsPhaseBase< TypeOp >The base type for chemical properties of a phase and its species
 CChemicalPropsPhaseBaseData< TypeOp >The base type for primary chemical property data of a phase from which others are computed
 CChemicalStateThe chemical state of a chemical system
 CChemicalSystemThe class used to represent a chemical system and its attributes and properties
 CSmartEquilibriumSolver::ClusterThe cluster storing learned input-output data with same classification
 CControlVariablePUsed to define a p control variable in a chemical equilibrium problem
 CControlVariableQUsed to define a q control variable in a chemical equilibrium problem
 CCounter< i >
 CCriticalPropsA type used store a collection of substances and their critical properties
 CDataThe class used to store and retrieve data for assemblying chemical systems
 CDatabaseThe class used to store and retrieve data of chemical species
 CDatabaseParserUsed to handle the parsing of YAML or JSON files to construct a Database object
 CData::Decode< T >Used to allow conversion of Data objects to objects with custom types
 CDissociationReactionA type used to represent a dissociation reaction of a neutral substance into ions
 CDissociationReactionsA type used store a collection of dissociation reactions
 CElementA type used to define a element and its attributes
 CElementalCompositionA type used to describe the elemental composition of chemical species
 CElementListA type used as a collection of elements
 CElementsA type used store a collection of elements
 CEmbeddedUsed to retrieve embedded resources (e.g., database files, parameter files) in Reaktoro
 CData::Encode< T >Used to allow conversion of objects with custom types to Data objects
 CEquationCalculates thermodynamic properties of fluid phases based on a cubic equation of state model
 CEquationConstraintUsed to define equation constraints in a chemical equilibrium problem
 CEquationConstraintFnUsed to define the function that evaluates the residual of an equation constraint in a chemical equilibrium problem
 CEquationConstraintsUsed to define a system of equation constraints in a chemical equilibrium problem
 CEquationModelThe necessary constants \(\epsilon\), \(\sigma\), \(\Omega\), \(\Psi\) and function \(\alpha(T_r;\omega)\) that uniquely define a cubic equation of state
 CEquationSpecsThe specifications for configuting a cubic equation of state
 CChemicalState::EquilibriumThe access to the properties related to an equilibrium state in a ChemicalState object
 CEquilibriumConditionsThe class used to define conditions to be satisfied at chemical equilibrium
 CEquilibriumDimsThe dimensions of the variables in a chemical equilibrium problem
 CEquilibriumHessianUsed to compute the Hessian matrix of the Gibbs energy function
 CEquilibriumOptionsThe options for the equilibrium calculations
 CEquilibriumPredictorUsed to predict a chemical equilibrium state at given conditions using first-order Taylor approximation
 CEquilibriumPropsThe class that computes chemical properties of a system during equilibrium calculations
 CEquilibriumRestrictionsThe class used to define reactivity restrictions in a chemical equilibrium calculation
 CEquilibriumResultA type used to describe the result of an equilibrium calculation
 CEquilibriumSensitivityThe sensitivity derivatives of a chemical equilibrium state
 CEquilibriumSetupUsed to construct the optimization problem for a chemical equilibrium calculation
 CEquilibriumSolverUsed for calculating chemical equilibrium states
 CEquilibriumSpecsThe class used to define conditions to be satisfied at chemical equilibrium
 CExceptionProvides a convenient way to initialized an exception with helpful error messages
 CExcludeThe auxiliary type used to specify species that should be filtered out when contructing a phase
 CFormationReactionA class to represent a formation reaction of a chemical species
 CGeneralPhaseThe base type for all other classes defining more specific phases
 CGeneralPhasesGeneratorThe base type for a generator of general phases with a single species
 CGeneralReactionUsed to define a general reaction
 CGeneralSurfaceUsed to define a general surface
 CgHKFThe g function state of in HKF model for computation of electrostatic properties of aqueous solutes
 CSmartEquilibriumSolver::GridThe temperature-pressure grid cells containing learned input-output data
 Chash< Reaktoro::Element >
 Chash< Reaktoro::Species >
 Chash< Reaktoro::Surface >
 Chash< std::pair< L, R > >Specialize std::hash for std::pair<L, R> so that it can be used as key in std::unordered_map
 Chash< std::vector< T, A > >Specialize std::hash for std::vector<T, A> so that it can be used as key in std::unordered_map
 CActivityModelParamsPitzer::InteractionParamAttribsThe attributes of an interaction parameter in the Pitzer activity model
 CIonExchangePropsThe chemical properties of an aqueous phase
 CIonExchangeSurfaceA type used to describe an ion exchange surface
 CIonExchangeSurfaceStateA type used to describe the state of an ion exchange surface
 CisFunction< T >
 CisFunction< std::function< Signature > >
 CKineticsSolverUsed for chemical kinetics calculations
 CLagrangeInterpolatorA class used to calculate interpolation of data in one dimension in any order
 CLUThe class that computes the full pivoting Auxiliary struct for storing the LU decomposition of a matrix A
 CMaterialA type used to represent a material composed of one or more substances
 CReactionRateModelParamsPalandriKharaka::MechanismThe parameters for a mineral reaction rate mechanism of
 CMemoizationThe class used to control memoization in the application
 CMemoizationTraits< T >Used to enable function arguments of a type T to be cached in a memoized version of the function
 CMemoizationTraits< ActivityModelArgs >Specialize MemoizationTraits for ActivityModelArgs
 CMemoizationTraits< ChemicalState >Specialize MemoizationTraits for ChemicalState
 CMemoizationTraits< Eigen::Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >Specialize MemoizationTraits for Eigen array types
 CMemoizationTraits< Eigen::Ref< EigenType > >Specialize MemoizationTraits for Eigen ref types
 CMineralReactionRateModelArgsThe data provided to a MineralReactionRateModel to evaluate the rate of a mineral reaction
 CModel< Signature >
 CModel< Alpha(AlphaModelArgs const &)>
 CModel< Bip(BipModelArgs const &)>
 CModel< ReactionRate(ChemicalProps const &props)>
 CModel< real(ChemicalProps const &props)>
 CModel< Result(Args...)>The class used to represent a model function and its parameters
 CModel< StandardThermoProps(real T, real P)>
 CData::OptUsed as the return type of method Data::optional
 CTable::OutputOptionsUsed to specify formatting options when printing or outputting the Table object
 CParamsUsed to store and retrieve model parameters
 CPhaseA type used to define a phase and its attributes
 CPhaseListA type used as a collection of phases
 CPhasesThe class used to define the phases that will constitute the chemical system of interest
 CPhreeqcWaterElectroPropsThe electrostatic properties of water computed in PHREEQC
 CPhreeqcWaterPropsThe thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of water computed in PHREEQC
 CPhreeqcWaterThermoPropsThe thermodynamic properties of water computed in PHREEQC
 CStandardThermoModelParamsNasa::PolynomialUsed to store Nasa polynomial coefficients valid for a certain temperature interval
 CPropUsed to retrieve a specified property from the chemical properties of a system
 CPropsThe properties calculated by evaluating a cubic equation of state
 CReactionA class to represent a reaction and its attributes
 CReactionEquationA type used to represent the equation of a reaction
 CReactionGeneratorArgsThe data provided to a ReactionGenerator to construct a Reaction object
 CReactionListA type used as a collection of reactions
 CReactionRateThe result of a reaction rate model evaluation
 CReactionRateModelGeneratorArgsThe data provided to a ReactionRateModelGenerator to construct the ReactionRateModel of a reaction
 CReactionRateModelParamsPalandriKharakaThe parameters in the reaction rate model of [for] dissolution/precipitation kinetics of minerals
 CReactionsUsed to represent a collection of reactions controlled kinetically
 CReactionStandardThermoModelArgsThe arguments in a ReactionStandardThermoModel function object
 CReactionStandardThermoModelParamsConstLgKThe parameters in a thermodynamic model for a formation reaction based on constant \(\lg K(T)\)
 CReactionStandardThermoModelParamsGemsLgKThe parameters in the thermodynamic model for a formation reaction based on GEM-Selektor's expression for \(\lg K(T)\)
 CReactionStandardThermoModelParamsPhreeqcLgKThe parameters in the thermodynamic model for a formation reaction based on PHREEQC's expression for \(\lg K(T)\)
 CReactionStandardThermoModelParamsVantHoffThe parameters in a van't Hoff thermodynamic model for a formation reaction
 CReactionStandardThermoPropsThe primary standard thermodynamic properties of a chemical reaction
 CReactionThermoPropsThe complete set of standard thermodynamic properties of a chemical reaction
 CReactivityConstraintUsed to define reactivity restrictions among species in the chemical equilibrium calculation
 CReactivityConstraintsUsed to define a system of reactivity restrictions among species in the chemical equilibrium calculation
 CSmartEquilibriumSolver::RecordThe record of the knowledge database containing input, output, and derivatives data
 CRef< T >
 CSmartEquilibriumOptionsThe options for the smart equilibrium calculations
 CSmartEquilibriumResultUsed to describe the result of a smart chemical equilibrium calculation
 CSmartEquilibriumResultDuringLearningUsed to represent the result of a learning operation in a smart chemical equilibrium calculation
 CSmartEquilibriumResultDuringPredictionUsed to represent the result of a prediction operation in a smart chemical equilibrium calculation
 CSmartEquilibriumSolverUsed for calculating chemical equilibrium states using an on-demand machine learning (ODML) strategy
 CSmartEquilibriumTimingUsed to provide timing information of the operations during a smart chemical equilibrium calculation
 CSmartKineticsSolverUsed for chemical kinetics calculations
 CSpeciateThe auxiliary type used to specify phase species to be determined from element symbols
 CSpeciesA type used to represent a chemical species and its attributes
 CSpeciesElectroPropsThe electrostatic properties of an aqueous solute species
 CSpeciesListA type used as a collection of species
 CSpeciesThermoPropsThe complete set of standard thermodynamic properties of a chemical species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsConstantThe parameters in the constant model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsExtendedUNIQUACThe parameters in the extended UNIQUAC model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of substances
 CStandardThermoModelParamsHKFThe parameters in the HKF model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutes
 CStandardThermoModelParamsHollandPowellThe parameters in the Holland-Powell model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of fluid and mineral species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsInterpolationThe parameters in the Maier-Kelley model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of fluid and solid species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsMaierKelleyThe parameters in the Maier-Kelley model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of fluid and solid species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsMineralHKFThe parameters in the Maier-Kelley-HKF model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of mineral species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsNasaThe parameters in the NASA polynomial model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of gases and condensed species
 CStandardThermoModelParamsWaterHKFThe parameters in the HKF model for calculating standard thermodynamic properties of the aqueous solvent (water)
 CStandardThermoPropsThe primary standard thermodynamic properties of a chemical species
 CStandardVolumeModelParamsConstantThe parameters in the constant model for calculating standard volume of a product species in a formation reaction
 CStopwatchUsed for measuring elapsed time since object creation
 CStringListA class for representing a list of strings with special constructors
 CSubstanceThe attributes of a substance in a fluid phase required by a cubic equation of state
 CSubstanceCriticalPropsA type used to represent a substance and its critical properties
 CSubstanceCriticalPropsDataA type used to represent the critical properties of a substance
 CSurfaceUsed to represent a surface across which chemical reactions take place
 CSurfaceListA type used as a collection of surfaces
 CSurfacesUsed to represent a collection of surfaces across which chemical reactions take place
 CTableUsed to store computed data in columns
 CTableColumnUsed to represent the data stored in a table column
 CThermoFunEngineThe class used for standard thermodynamic property calculations based on ThermoFun
 CThermoPropsThe standard thermodynamic properties of the species in a chemical system
 CThermoPropsPhaseBase< TypeOp >The base type for standard thermodynamic properties of a phase and its species
 CThermoPropsPhaseBaseData< TypeOp >The base type for primary standard thermodynamic property data of a phase from which others are computed
 CTypeOpConstRef< T >
 CTypeOpConstRef< Eigen::Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
 CTypeOpConstRef< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
 CTypeOpIdentity< T >
 CTypeOpRef< T >
 CTypeOpRef< Eigen::Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
 CTypeOpRef< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > >
 CWarningsUsed to control warnings in the execution of Reaktoro
 CWaterThermoPropsUsed to store thermodynamic properties of water