Reaktoro  v2.11.0
A unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems
GeneralPhasesGenerator Class Reference

The base type for a generator of general phases with a single species. More...

#include <Phases.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 GeneralPhasesGenerator ()
 Construct a default GeneralPhasesGenerator object.
 GeneralPhasesGenerator (StringList const &species)
 Construct a GeneralPhasesGenerator object with given species names.
 GeneralPhasesGenerator (Speciate const &elements)
 Construct a GeneralPhasesGenerator object with given element symbols.
 GeneralPhasesGenerator (Speciate const &elements, Exclude const &withtags)
 Construct a GeneralPhasesGenerator object with given element symbols excluding the species with provided tags.
 GeneralPhasesGenerator (Exclude const &withtags)
 Construct a GeneralPhasesGenerator object excluding the species with provided tags.
virtual ~GeneralPhasesGenerator ()
 Destroy this GeneralPhasesGenerator object.
auto setStateOfMatter (StateOfMatter option) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common state of matter of the generated phases.
auto setAggregateState (AggregateState option) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common aggregate state of the species in the generated phases.
auto setAdditionalAggregateStates (Vec< AggregateState > const &options) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set additional aggregate states to be considered when searching for species in a database.
auto setActivityModel (ActivityModelGenerator const &model) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common activity model of the generated phases.
auto setIdealActivityModel (ActivityModelGenerator const &model) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common ideal activity model of the generated phases.
auto set (StateOfMatter option) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common state of matter of the generated phases (equivalent to GeneralPhasesGenerator::setStateOfMatter).
auto set (AggregateState option) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common aggregate state of the species in the generated phases (equivalent to GeneralPhasesGenerator::setAggregateState).
auto set (ActivityModelGenerator const &model) -> GeneralPhasesGenerator &
 Set the common activity model of the generated phases (equivalent to GeneralPhasesGenerator::setActivityModel).
auto stateOfMatter () const -> StateOfMatter
 Return the common state of matter of the generated phases.
auto aggregateState () const -> AggregateState
 Return the common aggregate state of the species composing the generated phases.
auto additionalAggregateStates () const -> Vec< AggregateState > const &
 Return the additional aggregate states to be considered when searching for species in a database.
auto species () const -> Strings const &
 Return the names of the selected species to compose the generated phase (empty if not given).
auto elements () const -> Strings const &
 Return the element symbols for automatic species selection that will compose the generated phases (empty if not given).
auto activityModel () const -> ActivityModelGenerator const &
 Return the specified common activity model of the generated phases.
auto idealActivityModel () const -> ActivityModelGenerator const &
 Return the specified common ideal activity model of the generated phases.
auto convert (Database const &db, Strings const &elements) const -> Vec< GeneralPhase >
 Convert this GeneralPhasesGenerator object into a vector of GeneralPhase objects.

Detailed Description

The base type for a generator of general phases with a single species.

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