A unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems
NonlinearResult Struct Reference

A type that describes the result of a non-linear problem calculation. More...

#include <NonlinearSolver.hpp>

Public Attributes

bool succeeded = false
 The flag that indicates if the calculation converged.
unsigned iterations = 0
 The number of iterations in the calculation.
unsigned num_function_evals = 0
 The number of evaluations of the residual non-linear function in the calculation.
double error = 0
 The final residual error of the calculation.
double time = 0
 The wall time spent for the calculation (in units of s).
double time_function_evals = 0
 The wall time spent for all function evaluations (in units of s).
double time_linear_systems = 0
 The wall time spent for all linear system solutions (in units of s).

Detailed Description

A type that describes the result of a non-linear problem calculation.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: