Loading [MathJax]/extensions/TeX/mhchem.js
A unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems

This is the complete list of members for ThermoVectorBase< V, T, P >, including all inherited members.

ddP undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefined undefined
ddT undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefined undefined
fill(const ThermoScalarBase< VR > &other) -> void undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
fill(double value) -> void undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator Vector() const undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinlineexplicit undefined
operator*=(const ThermoVectorBase< VR, TR, PR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator*=(double scalar) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator+=(const ThermoVectorBase< VR, TR, PR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator+=(const ThermoScalarBase< VR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator+=(double scalar) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator-=(const ThermoVectorBase< VR, TR, PR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator-=(const ThermoScalarBase< VR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator-=(double other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator/=(double scalar) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator=(const ThermoVectorBase< VR, TR, PR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator=(const ThermoScalarBase< VR > &other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator=(double other) -> ThermoVectorBase & undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator[](Index irow) -> ThermoScalarBase< decltype(val[irow])> undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
operator[](Index irow) const -> ThermoScalarBase< decltype(val[irow])> undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
resize(Index nrows) -> void undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
size() const -> Index undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
ThermoVectorBase() undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
ThermoVectorBase(Index nrows) undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinlineexplicit undefined
ThermoVectorBase(Index nrows, double val) undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
ThermoVectorBase(const V &val, const T &ddT, const P &ddP) undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
ThermoVectorBase(ThermoVectorBase< VR, TR, PR > &other) undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
ThermoVectorBase(const ThermoVectorBase< VR, TR, PR > &other) undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
val undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefined undefined
view(Index irow, Index nrows) -> ThermoVectorRef undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined
view(Index irow, Index nrows) const -> ThermoVectorConstRef undefinedThermoVectorBase< V, T, P > undefinedinline undefined