A unified framework for modeling chemically reactive systems
Interface Member List

This is the complete list of members for Interface, including all inherited members.

clone() const -> std::shared_ptr< Interface >=0Interfacepure virtual
elementMolarMass(Index ielement) const -> double=0Interfacepure virtual
elementName(Index ielement) const -> std::string=0Interfacepure virtual
elementStoichiometry(Index ispecies, Index ielement) const -> double=0Interfacepure virtual
formulaMatrix() const -> MatrixInterface
indexElement(std::string element) const -> IndexInterface
indexFirstSpeciesInPhase(Index iphase) const -> IndexInterface
indexPhase(std::string phase) const -> IndexInterface
indexPhaseWithSpecies(Index ispecies) const -> IndexInterface
indexSpecies(std::string species) const -> IndexInterface
numElements() const -> unsigned=0Interfacepure virtual
numPhases() const -> unsigned=0Interfacepure virtual
numSpecies() const -> unsigned=0Interfacepure virtual
numSpeciesInPhase(Index iphase) const -> unsigned=0Interfacepure virtual
operator ChemicalSystem() constInterface
phaseName(Index iphase) const -> std::string=0Interfacepure virtual
pressure() const -> double=0Interfacepure virtual
properties(ThermoModelResult &res, double T, double P) -> void=0Interfacepure virtual
properties(ChemicalModelResult &res, double T, double P, VectorConstRef n) -> void=0Interfacepure virtual
speciesAmounts() const -> Vector=0Interfacepure virtual
speciesName(Index ispecies) const -> std::string=0Interfacepure virtual
state(const ChemicalSystem &system) const -> ChemicalStateInterface
system() const -> ChemicalSystemInterface
temperature() const -> double=0Interfacepure virtual
~Interface()=0Interfacepure virtual