auto indicesKineticElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the kinetic partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:540
auto numInertSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the inert partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:400
auto numEquilibriumFluidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the equilibrium-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:375
auto numKineticSolidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the kinetic-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:395
auto formulaMatrixKineticSolidPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the kinetic-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:595
auto indicesInertSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the inert partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:510
auto numInertFluidElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the inert-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:450
auto setInertSpecies(const Indices &species) -> void
Set the inert species of the chemical system.
Definition: Partition.cpp:305
auto indicesKineticSolidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the kinetic-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:505
auto indices(const std::vector< std::string > &names, const NamedValues &values) -> Indices
Return the indices of some entries in a container.
Definition: SetUtils.hxx:59
auto names(const NamedValues &values) -> std::vector< std::string >
Return the names of the entries in a container.
Definition: Utils.hxx:22
auto indicesEquilibriumFluidElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the equilibrium-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:530
auto indicesKineticSolidElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the kinetic-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:550
A class to represent a system and its attributes and properties.
Definition: ChemicalSystem.hpp:38
auto formulaMatrixInertPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the inert partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:600
auto setKineticSpecies(const Indices &species) -> void
Set the kinetic species of the chemical system.
Definition: Partition.cpp:285
auto setFluidPhases(const Indices &indices) -> void
Set the fluid phases of the chemical system.
Definition: Partition.cpp:325
auto numInertFluidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the inert-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:405
auto numKineticSolidElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the kinetic-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:440
auto indicesEquilibriumSolidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the equilibrium-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:490
auto indicesEquilibriumSolidElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the equilibrium-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:535
auto numInertSolidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the inert-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:410
auto numEquilibriumElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the equilibrium partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:415
auto numSolidPhases() const -> unsigned
Return the number of phases in the solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:360
auto indicesInertFluidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the inert-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:515
auto indicesEquilibriumSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the equilibrium partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:480
auto indicesInertFluidElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the inert-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:560
auto formulaMatrixEquilibriumPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the equilibrium partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:570
auto indicesEquilibriumElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the equilibrium partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:525
auto indicesInertSolidElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the inert-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:565
The namespace containing all components of the Reaktoro library.
Definition: ChemicalScalar.hpp:24
auto numKineticElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the kinetic partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:430
auto formulaMatrixKineticPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the kinetic partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:585
auto numInertElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the inert partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:445
auto formulaMatrixInertFluidPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the inert-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:605
auto numKineticSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the kinetic partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:385
auto numKineticFluidElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the kinetic-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:435
auto setEquilibriumPhases(const Indices &iphases) -> void
Set the equilibrium species of the chemical system as the species in given phases.
Definition: Partition.cpp:275
auto numEquilibriumSolidElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the equilibrium-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:425
auto numFluidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:355
auto indicesEquilibriumFluidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the equilibrium-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:485
auto formulaMatrixKineticFluidPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the kinetic-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:590
auto indicesKineticSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the kinetic partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:495
auto numKineticFluidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the kinetic-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:390
auto setEquilibriumSpecies(const Indices &ispecies) -> void
Set the equilibrium species of the chemical system.
Definition: Partition.cpp:265
auto indicesFluidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:465
auto numFluidPhases() const -> unsigned
Return the number of phases in the fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:350
auto indicesSolidPhases() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the phases in the solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:470
Construct a default Partition instance.
Definition: Partition.cpp:257
auto numSolidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:365
auto numInertSolidElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the inert-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:455
std::vector< Index > Indices
Define a type that represents a collection of indices.
Definition: Index.hpp:29
Provide a computational representation of the Partition of a chemical system.
Definition: Partition.hpp:56
auto formulaMatrixEquilibriumSolidPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the equilibrium-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:580
auto numEquilibriumSolidSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the equilibrium-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:380
auto indicesKineticFluidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the kinetic-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:500
auto numEquilibriumSpecies() const -> unsigned
Return the number of species in the equilibrium partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:370
auto indicesFluidPhases() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the phases in the fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:460
Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > MatrixConstRef
Alias to Eigen type Ref<const MatrixXd>.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:44
auto formulaMatrixInertSolidPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the inert-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:610
auto setSolidPhases(const Indices &indices) -> void
Set the solid phases of the chemical system.
Definition: Partition.cpp:335
auto numEquilibriumFluidElements() const -> unsigned
Return the number of elements in the equilibrium-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:420
auto system() const -> const ChemicalSystem &
Return the chemical system.
Definition: Partition.cpp:345
auto indicesKineticFluidElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the kinetic-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:545
auto indicesSolidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:475
auto formulaMatrixEquilibriumFluidPartition() const -> MatrixConstRef
Return the formula matrix of the equilibrium-fluid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:575
auto setInertPhases(const Indices &iphases) -> void
Set the inert species of the chemical system as the species in given phases.
Definition: Partition.cpp:315
auto indicesInertElements() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the elements in the inert partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:555
auto setKineticPhases(const Indices &iphases) -> void
Set the kinetic species of the chemical system as the species in given phases.
Definition: Partition.cpp:295
auto indicesInertSolidSpecies() const -> const Indices &
Return the indices of the species in the inert-solid partition.
Definition: Partition.cpp:520