auto setChemicalModelSoaveRedlichKwong() -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:86
auto mixture() const -> const FluidMixture &
Return a const reference of the FluidMixture instance.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:122
auto setChemicalModelRedlichKwong() -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the Redlich-Kwong equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:79
Parameters to be passed to the Cubic Equation of State.
Definition: CubicEOS.hpp:69
auto setChemicalModelCubicEOS(CubicEOS::Params params={}) -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with a Cubic equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:101
auto setChemicalModelPengRobinson(CubicEOS::Params params={}) -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the Peng-Robinson equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:93
auto setChemicalModelVanDerWaals() -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the van der Waals equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:72
A type to define the possible state of matter of a phase.
Definition: Phase.hpp:34
Class that defines a fluid (gaseous or liquid) phase.
Definition: FluidPhase.hpp:34
auto name() const -> std::string
Return the name of the phase.
Definition: Phase.cpp:114
Provides a computational representation of a fluid (gaseous or liquid) mixture.
Definition: FluidMixture.hpp:38
The namespace containing all components of the Reaktoro library.
Definition: ChemicalScalar.hpp:24
auto setChemicalModelSpycherReed() -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the Spycher and Reed (1988) equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:115
FluidPhase(const std::string &name, PhaseType type)
Construct an FluidPhase instance with given name and PhaseType.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:47
auto setChemicalModelSpycherPruessEnnis() -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the Spycher et al.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:108
auto type() const -> PhaseType
Return the type of the phase.
Definition: Phase.cpp:119
auto setChemicalModelIdeal() -> FluidPhase &
Set the chemical model of the phase with the ideal gas equation of state.
Definition: FluidPhase.cpp:64