454 auto indicesSpeciesInPhasesWithStates(std::initializer_list<StateOfMatter> soms) const -> Indices;
The class used to serialize/deserialize data using array.
Definition: ArrayStream.hpp:28
The base type for chemical properties of a phase and its species.
Definition: ChemicalPropsPhase.hpp:175
The class that computes chemical properties of a chemical system.
Definition: ChemicalProps.hpp:34
auto molarVolume() const -> real
Return the molar volume of the system (in m³/mol).
auto molarVolumeP() const -> real
Return the pressure derivative of the molar volume of the system (in m³/(mol·Pa)).
auto temperature() const -> real
Return the temperature of the system (in K).
auto speciesStandardGibbsEnergy(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar Gibbs energy of formation of a species in the system (in J/mol).
auto speciesStandardVolumesT() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the temperature derivative of the standard molar volumes of the species in the system (in m³/(...
auto specificGibbsEnergy() const -> real
Return the specific Gibbs energy of formation of the system (in J/kg).
auto indicesPhasesWithFluidState() const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases in liquid, gaseous, or supercritical states.
auto phaseProps(StringOrIndex phase) const -> ChemicalPropsPhaseConstRef
Return the chemical properties of a phase with given index.
auto pressure() const -> real
Return the pressure of the system (in Pa).
auto speciesConcentration(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the concentration (activity divided by activity coefficient) of a species in the system.
auto surfaceArea(StringOrIndex const &surface) const -> real
Return the area of a surface in the system (in m2).
auto volumeT() const -> real
Return the temperature derivative of the volume of the system (in m³/K).
auto speciesStandardHeatCapacityConstP(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar isobaric heat capacity of the species a the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto speciesStandardEntropy(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar entropy of formation of the species a the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto updateIdeal(ChemicalState const &state) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system using ideal activity models.
auto speciesStandardInternalEnergies() const -> ArrayXr
Return the standard partial molar internal energies of formation of the species in the system (in J/m...
auto speciesStandardVolumeP(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the pressure derivative of the standard partial molar volume of a species in the system (in m³...
Construct a default uninitialized ChemicalProps object.
auto mass() const -> real
Return the sum of species masses in the system (in kg).
auto speciesActivity(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the activity of a species in the system.
ChemicalProps(ChemicalState const &state)
Construct a ChemicalProps object with given chemical state of the system.
auto speciesActivitiesLn() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the ln activities of the species in the system.
auto speciesStandardVolumeT(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the temperature derivative of the standard partial molar volume of a species in the system (in...
auto heatCapacityConstP() const -> real
Return the isobaric heat capacity of the system (in J/K).
auto speciesChemicalPotentials() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the chemical potentials of the species in the system (in J/mol).
auto speciesStandardHeatCapacitiesConstP() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the standard partial molar isobaric heat capacities of the species in the system (in J/(mol·K)...
auto speciesMasses() const -> ArrayXr
Return the masses of the species in the system (in kg).
auto speciesStandardEntropies() const -> ArrayXr
Return the standard partial molar entropies of formation of the species in the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto speciesStandardGibbsEnergies() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the standard partial molar Gibbs energies of formation of the species in the system (in J/mol)...
auto serialize(ArrayStream< double > &stream) const -> void
Serialize the chemical properties into the array stream stream.
auto speciesAmount(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the amount of a species in the system (in mol).
auto chargeAmongSpecies(Indices const &indices) const -> real
Return the amount of electric charge among a group of species in the system (in mol).
auto stateid() const -> Index
Return the state identification number of this ChemicalProps object.
auto indicesPhasesWithSolidState() const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases in solid states.
auto indicesSpeciesInPhasesWithState(StateOfMatter som) const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases with a given state of matter.
auto entropy() const -> real
Return the entropy of formation of the system (in J/K).
auto charge() const -> real
Return the amount of electric charge in the system (in mol).
auto specificInternalEnergy() const -> real
Return the specific internal energy of formation of the system (in J/kg).
auto elementAmountAmongSpecies(StringOrIndex element, Indices const &indices) const -> real
Return the amount of an element among a group of species in the system (in mol).
auto extra() const -> const Map< String, Any > &
Return the extra data produced during the evaluation of activity models.
auto speciesStandardHelmholtzEnergy(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar Helmholtz energy of formation of a species in the system (in J/mol)...
auto speciesStandardEnthalpies() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the standard partial molar enthalpies of formation of the species in the system (in J/mol).
auto speciesActivityLg(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the lg activity of a species in the system.
auto speciesConcentrationLg(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the lg concentration (activity divided by activity coefficient) of a species in the system.
auto update(real const &T, real const &P, ArrayXrConstRef n) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system.
auto molarHeatCapacityConstV() const -> real
Return the molar isochoric heat capacity of the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto speciesActivityLn(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the ln activity of a species in the system.
auto indicesSpeciesInPhasesWithSolidState() const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases with solid states.
auto speciesActivityCoefficientsLn() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the ln activity coefficients of the species in the system.
auto elementAmounts() const -> ArrayXr
Return the amounts of the elements in the system (in mol).
auto indicesSpeciesInPhasesWithStates(std::initializer_list< StateOfMatter > soms) const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases with one of the given states of matter.
auto speciesChemicalPotential(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the chemical potential of a species in the system.
auto speciesStandardVolume(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar volume of a species in the system (in m³/mol).
auto update(ArrayXdConstRef u) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system with serialized data.
auto output(std::ostream &out) const -> void
Output the chemical properties of the system to a stream.
auto specificVolume() const -> real
Return the specific volume of the system (in m³/kg).
auto speciesStandardVolumes() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the standard partial molar volumes of the species in the system (in m³/mol).
auto specificEnthalpy() const -> real
Return the specific enthalpy of formation of the system (in J/kg).
auto indicesPhasesWithState(StateOfMatter som) const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases in a given state of matter.
auto speciesAmounts() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the amounts of the species in the system (in mol).
auto specificVolumeT() const -> real
Return the temperature derivative of the specific volume of the system (in m³/(kg·K)).
auto specificHeatCapacityConstV() const -> real
Return the specific isochoric heat capacity of the system (in J/(kg·K)).
auto speciesStandardInternalEnergy(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar internal energy of formation of a species in the system (in J/mol).
auto updateIdeal(real const &T, real const &P, ArrayXrConstRef n) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system using ideal activity models.
auto speciesPartialMolarVolumes() const -> ArrayXr
Return the partial molar volumes of the species in the system (in m³/mol).
auto speciesStandardEnthalpy(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar enthalpy of formation of a species in the system (in J/mol).
auto specificHeatCapacityConstP() const -> real
Return the specific isobaric heat capacity of the system (in J/(kg·K)).
auto elementMass(StringOrIndex element) const -> real
Return the mass of an element in the system (in kg).
auto componentAmounts() const -> ArrayXr
Return the amounts of the conservative components (elements and charge) in the system (in mol).
auto indicesSpeciesInPhasesWithFluidState() const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases with liquid, gaseous, or supercritical states.
auto componentAmountsInPhase(StringOrIndex phase) const -> ArrayXr
Return the amounts of the conservative components (elements and charge) in a phase of the system (in ...
auto indicesPhasesWithStates(std::initializer_list< StateOfMatter > soms) const -> Indices
Return the indices of the phases with one of the given states of matter.
auto speciesConcentrationsLn() const -> ArrayXr
Return the ln concentrations (activity divided by activity coefficient) of the species in the system.
auto internalEnergy() const -> real
Return the internal energy of formation of the system (in J).
auto molarGibbsEnergy() const -> real
Return the molar Gibbs energy of formation of the system (in J/mol).
auto elementAmount(StringOrIndex element) const -> real
Return the amount of an element in the system (in mol).
auto molarHeatCapacityConstP() const -> real
Return the molar isobaric heat capacity of the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto molarHelmholtzEnergy() const -> real
Return the molar Helmholtz energy of formation of the system (in J/mol).
auto speciesStandardHeatCapacityConstV(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the standard partial molar isochoric heat capacity of the species a the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto elementAmountsInPhase(StringOrIndex phase) const -> ArrayXr
Return the amounts of the elements in a phase of the system (in mol).
auto componentAmountsAmongSpecies(Indices const &indices) const -> ArrayXr
Return the amounts of the conservative components (elements and charge) among a group of species in t...
auto reactionRates() const -> ArrayXr
Return the reaction rates of the kinetic reactions in the system (in mol/s).
ChemicalProps(ChemicalSystem const &system)
Construct an uninitialized ChemicalProps object with given chemical system.
auto system() const -> ChemicalSystem const &
Return the chemical system associated with these chemical properties.
auto specificHelmholtzEnergy() const -> real
Return the specific Helmholtz energy of formation of the system (in J/kg).
auto serialize(ArrayStream< real > &stream) const -> void
Serialize the chemical properties into the array stream stream.
auto speciesActivityCoefficientLn(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the ln activity coefficient of a species in the system.
auto helmholtzEnergy() const -> real
Return the Helmholtz energy of formation of the system (in J).
auto amount() const -> real
Return the sum of species amounts in the system (in mol).
auto elementAmountInPhase(StringOrIndex element, StringOrIndex phase) const -> real
Return the amount of an element in a phase of the system (in mol).
auto molarEntropy() const -> real
Return the molar entropy of formation of the system (in J/(mol·K)).
auto speciesMoleFractions() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the mole fractions of the species in the system relative to the phase where they exist.
auto elementAmountsAmongSpecies(Indices const &indices) const -> ArrayXr
Return the amounts of the elements among a group of species in the system (in mol).
auto speciesActivityCoefficient(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the activity coefficient of a species in the system.
auto speciesMass(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the mass of a species in the system.
auto surfaceAreas() const -> ArrayXr
Return the areas of all surfaces in the system (in m2).
auto update(ChemicalState const &state) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system.
auto speciesStandardVolumesP() const -> ArrayXrConstRef
Return the pressure derivative of the standard molar volumes of the species in the system (in m³/(mol...
auto heatCapacityConstV() const -> real
Return the isochoric heat capacity of the system (in J/K).
auto molarInternalEnergy() const -> real
Return the molar internal energy of formation of the system (in J/mol).
auto volumeP() const -> real
Return the pressure derivative of the volume of the system (in m³/Pa).
auto elementMassInPhase(StringOrIndex element, StringOrIndex phase) const -> real
Return the mass of an element in the system (in kg).
auto gibbsEnergy() const -> real
Return the Gibbs energy of formation of the system (in J).
auto chargeInPhase(StringOrIndex phase) const -> real
Return the amount of electric charge in a phase of the system (in mol).
auto speciesStandardHeatCapacitiesConstV() const -> ArrayXr
Return the standard partial molar isochoric heat capacities of the species in the system (in J/(mol·K...
auto deserialize(const ArrayStream< double > &stream) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system using the array stream stream.
auto update(ArrayXrConstRef u) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system with serialized data.
auto molarVolumeT() const -> real
Return the temperature derivative of the molar volume of the system (in m³/(mol·K)).
auto deserialize(const ArrayStream< real > &stream) -> void
Update the chemical properties of the system using the array stream stream.
auto reactionRate(StringOrIndex reaction) const -> real
Return the rate of a kinetic reaction in the system (in mol/s).
auto speciesConcentrationLn(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the ln concentration (activity divided by activity coefficient) of a species in the system.
auto speciesStandardHelmholtzEnergies() const -> ArrayXr
Return the standard partial molar Helmholtz energies of formation of the species in the system (in J/...
auto enthalpy() const -> real
Return the enthalpy of formation of the system (in J).
auto speciesActivityCoefficientLg(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the lg activity coefficient of a species in the system.
auto specificEntropy() const -> real
Return the specific entropy of formation of the system (in J/(kg·K)).
auto specificVolumeP() const -> real
Return the pressure derivative of the specific volume of the system (in m³/(kg·Pa)).
auto elementMassAmongSpecies(StringOrIndex element, Indices const &indices) const -> real
Return the mass of an element among a group of species in the system (in kg).
auto speciesMoleFraction(StringOrIndex species) const -> real
Return the mole fraction of a species relative to the phase where it exists.
auto density() const -> real
Return the density of the system (in kg/m³).
auto molarEnthalpy() const -> real
Return the molar enthalpy of formation of the system (in J/mol).
The class used to represent a chemical system and its attributes and properties.
Definition: ChemicalSystem.hpp:70
The namespace containing all components of the Reaktoro library.
Definition: Algorithms.hpp:29
autodiff::real real
The number type used throughout the library.
Definition: Real.hpp:26
std::variant< Index, int, std::string > StringOrIndex
The type used to accept either a name or an index.
Definition: Types.hpp:58
autodiff::VectorXreal VectorXr
Convenient alias to Eigen type.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:58
Eigen::Ref< const ArrayXd > ArrayXdConstRef
Convenient alias to Eigen type.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:105
std::vector< Index > Indices
Define a type that represents a collection of indices.
Definition: Index.hpp:29
The list of states of matter for phases.
Definition: StateOfMatter.hpp:27
Eigen::Ref< const ArrayXr > ArrayXrConstRef
Convenient alias to Eigen type.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:89
autodiff::ArrayXreal ArrayXr
Convenient alias to Eigen type.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:87
std::unordered_map< Key, T > Map
Convenient alias for std::unordered_map<Key, T>.
Definition: Types.hpp:74